About Vaughn


Hi, I’m Vaughn

I am a Cosmic Priestess and soul alchemist who works with the star energies of the cosmos for greater wisdom, light, and healing. I am a soul alchemist that uses breathwork and channeled language of light to help the body and soul align so you can soar. My specialization is to transform particles of doubt and insecurity into atoms of confidence and brevity. I do this by opening the portal that allows you to ascend past the human plane and into the divine.

Come play in the Cosmos with me!

Cosmic Priestess/soul alchemist


A session with Vaughn is on par with a night in the Amazon jungle with an indigenous shaman, and I don't use the term "shaman" lightly. I have experienced profound healings as a result of Vaughn's guided hands and her strong women's intuition. She is such a bright light, able to channel so much energy, that no negative spirits can exist in her presence. I will continue to go back to her when I am in need of healing deep wounds, and I recommend you do as well.



  • Breathwork is a connected pattern of breath that gets you into an altered state of consciousness. The way that I use Breathwork in my healing sessions is that we breathe together while calling in your divine team(I will have a clickable blog link to what divine team) and the healing energies I channel, together we facilitate an experience that your soul is ready for.

    These quantum realms require your breath to guide you into these multi-dimensional frequencies. Your breath is medicine when used with intention and purpose.

  • I truly believe if every human practiced Breathwork, we would live in Eutopia. Through this healing work, you are able to work through dis-ease in your body, clear energy, heal lifetimes, connect spiritually and so much more.

    If you are looking to become a more conscious soul and connect deeper to your true self then yes. If you have trouble meditating,this practice will help you “get there”. But, only if you do it. It only works if you work at it. So, if you are ready to show up for yourself,then yes, Breathwork healing is for you!

  • Every single time I finish up a virtual session, I am shocked and amazed at what we were just able to experience together. Energy is transferable through all space and time and even though, there is nothing like an in-person experience, I can honestly say virtual healing sessions are just as powerful as in-person. I know, I know, it blows my mind too.